Dog-Friendly Hotspots in HBURG
Hi! My name is Milo and ILOVEPEOPLE, belly rubs and french fries. But more than those things, I love getting to spend time out and about in Hattiesburg (where I get to frequent all of those things and more).
Hi! My name is Milo and ILOVEPEOPLE, belly rubs and french fries. But more than those things, I love getting to spend time out and about in Hattiesburg (where I get to frequent all of those things and more).
When My Human brought me home last April, she was really quick about making sure I got to experience the finer things in life - and I don’t mean silly dog treats (although I’ll take them anytime). I’m talking about the freshest of water bowls to play in, the biggest of sprints to run in open spaces and yummy treats given to cute dogs like me!
She says I have a lot of energy, so she often takes me along with her so I don’t destroy our home (not that I have or anything - I mean, look how cute I am). But because of that, I’ve gotten to experience what is best about Hattiesburg: 1 - it’s people; and 2 - it’s places! So, let’s get to highlighting the best dog-friendly places in the ‘burg. Because, whether you’re a local or visiting us during your travels - these hotspots are the places to put your car in bark!
Also, did you know ice is much more fun to play with when it’s in a water bowl? Also fact: it’s even more fun when you splash all of the water outside of the bowl and get soaking wet. But, disclaimer: make sure your human is okay with this. Mine shouted fun things when she saw me, so I know she definitely loved when I did it.
Regardless of where you choose to go, Hattiesburg is very welcoming to all dogs - small, large and even the ones with no tails (hey that’s me)! This isn’t an exhaustive list; but it is definitely the ones we frequent the most. Hey - maybe I’ll get to see you there soon!?
Milo’s leash is held by Samantha McCain, a longtime Hattiesburg resident who loves to help Milo express his thoughts and feelings through photos and words. Catch up with his latest adventures by following him on Instagram at @milothehattiesdog.